Weekly Wrestling Report- February 25th
We will include from the Central Lakes Conference: Sartell Sabres, Sauk Rapids Storm, St. Cloud Tech Tigers and Rocori Spartans. From the Granite Ridge Conference: Albany Huskies, Becker Bulldogs and the Foley Falcons. From the Park Region Conference the Royalton/Uspala Royals and from the Central Minnesota Conference the Eden Valley Watkins Eagles, Kimball Area Cubs and Holdingford Huskers.
We will bring you the individual results of the duals and Individual tournaments of all eleven teams. Also the list of upcoming of events, current state ratings and conference standings. You can get more of your wrestling news and results at www.theguillotine.com and more info on our local teams on my blog site: https://minnesotamatrats.wordpress.com for more on Section and Conference previews and Bi-weekly columns thru out the season.
Follow all the State Tournament action on the www.theguillotine.com go to High School tab and Tournament Time. All Duals meet and Individual results will be reported on the Track Wrestling link.
The Falcons had a good team performance with all fourteen earning a place on the awards stand at the Section 6AA Individual tournament. Connor Thorsten @ 152 (40-3) won their lone championship and Mark Dierkes @ 145 (38-5) and Logan Thorsten @ 126 (30-16) both earned second place and their tickets to the state tournament. Max Lefebvre @ 170 (34-11), Elijah Novak @ 285 (24-7) and Michael Rothfork @ 138 (11-7) all earned third place. Carter Svihla @ 220 (30-15), Hunter Gorecki @ 195 (19-15), Max Henne @ 182 (12-20), Evan Milejczak @ 113 (18-17) and Caden Ruhoff @ 120 (7-12) all earned fourth place. Alex Vait @ 132 (9-6) earned fifth place and Andrew Knutson @ 160 (4-8) and Evan Miller @ 106 (3-5) both took sixth place.
The Bulldogs had a good team performance with twelve place winners and four state qualifiers at the Section 6AA Individual Tournament. Jake Nelson @ 126 (39-3), Lukas Paulson @ 132 (36-6) and Ethan Anderson @ 113 (34-6) all earned section championships and Brayden Weber @ 220 (36-5) earned second place and their ticket to the state tournament. Caden Dewall @ 160 (34-3), Logan Jurek @ 145 (34-8, Kylen Rish @ 152 (34-12) and Mason Doucette @ 120 (17-21) all earned third place. Lincoln Carlson @ 182 (8-12) earned fifth place, Adam Jurek @ 138 (6-9) earned sixth place and Ethan Duncombe @ 106 (6-9) took eighth place. Special Note: Matt Aho Head Coach and Jeff Zimmer Asst. Coach were voted by their Section Coaches as the coaches of the 2018-2019 season.
The Sabres earned nine medals at the Section 8AAA Individual tournament, including two state qualifiers. Cole Fibranz @ 220 (39-1) and Jackson Penk @ 132 (39-2) both earned championships and their ticket to the state tournament. Dylan Enriquez @ 106 (37-5) earned third place, Andy Heckman @ 113 (25-11), Sam Fernholz @ 145 (33-12) and Ashton Lipinski @ 126 (18-18) all earned fourth place. Jack Engle @ 182 (21-11) and Austin Frauenholtz @ 160 (8-16 both earned fifth place and Matthew Lindstrom @ 195 (11-22) earned sixth place. Special Note: Cole Fibranz earned his 150th Career Win.
The Royals had a very good tournament performance with thirteen earning a place at the Section 7A Individual Tournament. The Royals had five punch their ticket to the state tournament, including two championships by: Jackson Held @ 160 (38-3) and Damion Theisen @ 152 (18-6) and Mason Novitzki @ 285 (27-17), Matthew Kasella @ 195 (14-7) and Wyatt Lahr @ 126 (25-15) all earned second place medals. Jacob Leibold @ 132 (33-12) and Gage Louden @ 182 (26-21) both earned third place. Gabe Gorecki @ 145 (26-17), Will Gorecki @ 113 (26-16), Brady Conrad @ 138 (9-7) and Hunter Novitzki @ 120 (9-19) all earned fourth place. Aiden Olson @ 170 (17-19) earned fifth place and Bryce Binek @ 106 (2-9) took eighth place. Special Note: Jackson Held Won his 150th Career Match.
The Storm had ten place winners at the Section 8AAA Individual tournament, with one punching their ticket to the state tournament. Jared Spohn @ 120 (34-3) earned their lone championship and his ticket to the state tournament. Jacob Ackerman @ 160 (32-11), Dante Haywood @ 113 (21-15) and Hunter Farnick @ 285 (19-17) all earned third place. Andrew Wollak @ 132 (25-14) and Ben Konz @ 220 (9-19) both earned fifth place, Ben Gilbertson @ 138 (25-17) and Marcus Santillana @ 170 (26-17) both earned sixth place and Joey Hoeschen @ 182 (17-20) and Aden Rollins @ 195 (4-14) both took eighth place.
The Cubs had an awesome tournament performance with thirteen place winners at the Section 4A Individual tournament. They had five that punched their ticket to the state tournament, this includes three freshman and two sophomores. The brothers Zach Holtz @ 152 (12-0) and Carter Holtz @ 195 (33-6) and Ashton Hanan @ 160 (26-8) all earned section championships. Alex Nelson @ 126 (22-13) and Lucas Jurek @ 120 (19-16) both earned second place and their tickets to the state tournament. Jimmy Wicker @ 285 (14-5) and Cody Leither @ 132 (20-13) both earned third place and Nicholas Bowen @ 182 (16-17), Marcellus Jensen @ 220 (10-17) and Chase Anderson @ 113 (10-18) all earned fourth place. Jack Bollman @ 106 (7-8) earned fifth place, Brandon Guggisberg @ 138 (13-25) earned sixth place and Josh Donnay @ 145 (5-20) took eighth place.
The Tigers had good Section 8AAA tournament, they earned eleven place winners, including two that punched their tickets to the state tournament. Taylor Hugg @ 170 (38-5) earned the championship and Jaxon Kenning @ 106 (28-10) earned second place for their tickets to the state. Carlos Agee @ 285 (25-15) and Spencer Gustin @ 220 (5-10) both earned fourth place. Tyler Zachman @ 145 (25-18, Jack Latterell @ 152 (18-23, Nick Hamak @ 113 (12-17) and Tucker Hugg @ 195 (8-17) all earned fifth place. Logan Hanson @ 182 (28-12) earned sixth place and Andy Johnson @ 138 (5-7) took eighth place.
The Huskies had a good Section 6AA tournament performance with twelve place winners, including two state qualifiers. Gabe Zierden @ 195 (41-4) earned the championship and Wyatt Mergen @ 285 (24-17) earned second place, they both punched their tickets to the state tournament. Riley Rakotz @ 182 (28-16) and William Mergen @ 132 (21-17 both earned third place and Peyton Linn @ 170 (25-19), Hunter Tate @ 145 (17-21), Carson Holthaus @ 106 (11-21) and Tate Hoffarth @ 138 (7-24) all earned fourth place. Dustin Schmitt @ 120 (33-13) earned fifth place, Declan Crumley @ 126 (2-16) earned sixth place and Devin Hanson @ 113 (11-23) and Logan Harren @ 152 (7-19) both took eighth place.
The Spartans had a good tournament with nine section 8AAA place winners, including two state qualifiers. Gavin Winter @ 106 (30-5) earned the section championship and Austin Moscho @ 126 (33-9) earned second place, the Spartans have two that punched their ticket to the state. Brock Humbert @ 170 (13-7) earned fourth place, Nate Evens @ 285 (21-23), Grady Minnerath @ 160 (9-11) and Evan Moscho @ 120 (5-8) all earned sixth place. Luke Hemmesch @ 132 (15-25), Ben Primus @ 182 (25-14) and Ryan Rose @ 152 (8-23) all took eighth place.
The Huskers had eight Section 7A place winners including two that punched their tickets to the state tournament. Alex Lange @ 170 (39-7) and James Welle @ 145 (27-8) both earned second place. Blake Sigler @ 160 (24-22) earned third place and Sam Harren @ 195 (22-11 and Drew Lange @ 106 (27-20) both earned fourth place. Tate Lange @ 152 (19-15) and Cohl Clear @ 120 (12-15) both earned fifth place and Max Secord @ 182 (19-21) earned sixth place. Special Note: Alex Lange Earned his 100th Career Win.
The Eagles had a good Section 4A tournament, they earned ten medals, including six in the top four. Zach Nistler @ 145 (36-12), Taylor Ludwig @ 126 (33-18), Trevyn Ludwig @ 138 (31-19) and Teagyn Ludwig @ 106 (24-19 all earned third place. Gavin Mathies @ 120 (24-16) and Ethan Kay @ 285 (28-20) both earned fourth place. Austin Schlangen @ 220 (20-19) and Sam Nistler @ 132 (17-19) both earned fifth place and Carter Mathies @ 170 (14-31) and Armando Walker @ 182 (4-14) both earned sixth place.
FOLEY FALCONS vs. MARSHALL TIGERS (9:00 AM) Thursday 2/28/2019
Ethan Anderson 9th (34-6) No. 6 Seed vs. Luke Osweller Waseca 10th (20-10)
Jake Nelson 11th (39-3) No. 5 Seed vs. Drake Elling Richfield 12th (30-12)
Lucas Paulson 10th (36-6) No. 5 Seed vs. Matthew Hartmann KM 12th (27-8)
Brayden Weber 10th (36-5) vs. No. 2 Seed Garsen Schorr KM 12th (37-3)
LoganThorsten 10th (30-16) vs. No. 3 Seed Mitchel Petersen Byron 11th(26-3)
Mark Dierkes 12th (38-5) vs. No. 5 Seed Payton Anderson Fairmont 11th(41-7)
Connor Thorsten 11th (40-3) No. 4 Seed vs. Trevor Anderson NB 12th (21-20)
Gabe Zierden 12th (41-4) No. 2 Seed vs. David Wilfert Orono 10th (36-15)
Wyatt Mergen 12th (24-17) vs. No. 2 Seed Brandon Swanson NB 12th (32-0)
Lucas Jurek 9th (19-16) vs. No. 5 Seed Payton Handevidt JCC 9th (38-3)
Alex Nelson 10th (22-13) vs. Hunter Hitchen Fertile-Beltrami 11th (29-13)
Zach Holtz 10th (12-0) No. 4 Seed vs. Wyatt McGee Benson 12th (25-8)
Ashton Hanan 9th (26-8) vs Caleb Vancura B-GB/MR 9th (29-18)
Carter Holtz 9th (33-6) No. 4 Seed vs. Eric Bassett Mille Lacs 12th (29-6)
Wyatt Lahr 12th (25-15) vs. No. 2 Seed Brett Willaby W/ML 11th (31-3)
Damion Theisen 12th (18-6) vs. No. 3 Seed Seth Brossard KW 12th (41-0)
Jackson Held 12th (38-3) No. 4 Seed vs. Tallin Johnson SJA 11th (32-4)
Matthew Kasella 11th (14-7) vs. No. 3 Seed Wyatt Olson WCA 12th (38-5)
Mason Novitzki 10th (27-17) vs. No. 3 Seed Scott Edwards Adrian 11th (25-1)
James Welle 11th (27-8) vs. No. 6 Seed Max Naddy OTC 12th (29-11)
Alex Lange 12th (30-10) vs. No. 1 Seed Colton Krell Westfield 11th (34-3)
Jackson Penk 12th (39-2) vs. Connor Higgins John Marshall 11th (19-7)
Cole Fibranz 12th (39-1) No. 2 Seed vs. Charles Dressel Mounds View 12th (29-12)
Jaxon Kenning 7th (28-10) vs. No. 1 Seed Pierson Manville SHAK 7th (46-2)
Taylor Hugg 11th (38-5) vs. Grant Hendrewn Lakeville South 12th (27-1)
Gavin Winter 8th (30-5) vs. No. 3 Seed Joe Volk Lakeville North 9th (36-3)
Austin Moscho 9th (33-9) vs. No. 4 Seed Bryce Dagel Edison 10th (31-5)
Jared Spohn 11th (34-3) vs. Kanin Halbe Owatonna 9th (23-12)