School Boys Basketball Making Big Impact In Central Minnesota
What started as an idea to form a single team to give kids a chance to play basketball has morphed into a Central Minnesota institution. School Boys Basketball, founded in 2014, has expanded into an organization offering a place to play for kids of all backgrounds.
"We just want to give kids an opportunity to play that might not be able to play anywhere else," School Boys founder Chris Underwood, Sr. said. "Whether its financial problems or maybe you aren't the most talented... we are that place that will give you a chance to play no matter what."
In 2019 the program boasted five teams, the highest number yet for the School Boys. Last year, during the pandemic, Underwood started a summer league in partnership with St. Cloud's COP House.
"We had 300-500 kids come out the entire month of August," Underwood said.
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, the School Boys are offering in-person registration for their "Second Annual Cloud City Summer Basketball League." The league will run from August 3rd to August 25th and will feature a season-ending tournament under the lights.
"We have a high school division, middle school division and an elementary division," Underwood, Sr. said. "The entire event is free, it doesn't matter your financial background... it is free for everybody."
The league will be spread between Haws Park, Seberger Park, Northway Park and Carlin Park.
"At the end of the year (August 28th) we will have tournament/bracket play all day long, then at night we are going to get some lights and the championship games will be under the lights," Underwood, Sr. said. "We will have trophies, music and all types of stuff."