Waite Park 10AAA Wins Cal Ripken State Title
The Waite Park 10AAA team won the Cal Ripken 10AAA State Title in Baxter this past weekend. Waite Park went 4-0 on the weekend, defeating Aitkin 11-1, Baxter 10-1, Bemidji 6-1 and Bemidji 11-0 in the championship game.
The team will play next in the Midwest Plain Regional tournament July 25th - 30th in Bemidji MN.
Team members include: (Front row, left to right) Isaac Benesh, Nick Proshek, Hunter Stultz, Jake Meyer, Ryan Janzen (Second row) Andrew Weisser, TJ Neu, Nolan Rueter, Alec Dietl, Tanner Ertl, Mason Wolf, Lucas Theisen (Last row) Coaches: Derek Ertl, Rick Neu, Adam Proshek, Todd Theisen.