Woman Slaps “Sexy Cop’s” Butt, Charged With Felony
I'm betting this woman meant nothing by this and thought it was all just in good fun. Evidently, the cop in question didn't feel the same and arrested the woman for felony simple assault against a peace officer.

According to InForum.com, Monday, 50 year old Sandra D. Kobs-Sabo made her first appearance in a Bismarck, North Dakota court for one felony count of simple assault against a peace officer and they also tagged on one count of sexual assault for offensive contact. The second charge is a misdemeanor.
According to the report, two Burleigh County Sheriff's officers were doing one of those late night bar walk throughs early Saturday morning, when Kobs-Sabo ran up to one of the officers and gave him a slap on the rear end. I don't think there's any question that maybe this woman had consumed a few drinks prior to this incident.
Seems the officer didn't really appreciate being slapped on the butt and according to the officer, the slap caused him pain, so he arrested her.
One would think that she would let things be after being arrested, but we all know how alcohol works, right? While in the squad car on the way to jail, she referred to the officer as a "sexy cop" and inquired as to whether of not he was married.
Oh, and she didn't stop there. The complaint also stated she also reportedly said she “loves a man in uniform.” It appears that she soon figured out she may be in some real trouble and complained that she couldn’t believe she was “going to jail for slapping a sexy cop in the a--.” She bonded out of jail.
I'm no lawyer but I would guess they drop the felony charge and get her on the misdemeanor.
What's the saying? "Most good stories start with alcohol".
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