Public libraries...what can't they do? Teach you some manners, Greg. F#@%ing Greg...

On top of books and internet access (and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more), you can also "check out" a 7-day pass to a Minnesota State Park from participating public libraries across the state.

Minnesota State Parks Library Program

The program will run through June 2025. The Department of Natural Resources is collaborating on the program to provide a way for low-income Minnesotans to still be able to enjoy our beautiful state parks without the barrier of an entry fee.

Passes are available from public libraries throughout the state. The full list is available on the Minnesota DNR's website.

Passes being "checked out" do not need to be returned to the library like a book; Minnesotans are encouraged to recycle the passes instead.

While the program was created for low-income Minnesotans, there is no proof of income requirement to participate. The passes only cover the vehicle entrance fee; you'll still need to reserve and pay for camping at a state park.

Find more information about the Minnesota State Parks Library Program here, and enjoy!

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10 Highest-Rated Minnesota State Parks

Visiting every state park in Minnesota is an excellent bucket list goal, but with 65 of them spread across the state, where do you start? Trip Advisor has curated a list of the best Minnesota state parks based on the rankings given by visitors who have come before you. Scroll through the list of the 10 highest-rated state parks in Minnesota and start exploring!

Gallery Credit: Minnesota Now


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