Minnesota Offering Free Gun Locks, Here’s How To Get Yours
It's just every day, gun violence, gun accidents, etc. The worst is kids finding their parents or older siblings guns and accidently shooting someone or themselves.

We also seem to hear so many stories about kids bringing their parent's guns to school and the tragedies that occur.
I don't know what changed over the past few decades. When I was a kid in school, my parents had guns in the house and so did the parents of most all of my friends. Never did anyone ever consider bringing a gun to school, let alone shooting someone.
There is a responsibility that comes along with owning a firearm. Guns in the home must be stored where kids cannot get a hold of them. Putting them in a nightstand drawer or anywhere else where a kid might find it is just chance you don't want to take.
Accoding to valleynewslive.com Minnesota's goal is to get gun locks in the hands of every gun owner. Last year at the Minnesota State Fair, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources handed out over 18,000 gun locks, free of charge.
Evidently, they are not stopping there. They are making it possible for all Minnesotans to get gun locks for free. For information on how to get your free gun lock(s), click the link below.
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