What’s A Favorite Old TV Intro That Looks Dumb Now?
There really is no gooder feeling than nostalgia, because you remember the good parts while completely blocking out the bad parts...like the time I visited a friend's house across the street from mine and then got whooped by a wiffleball bat (the old red rock-hard plastic kind that was nearly as sturdy as an aluminum bat) for crossing the street without permission.
Gooder times.

I just remembered what I actually meant: TV shows! Even if the writing wasn't all that great, and the acting was elementary-drama-club quality, and the continuity was absolute trash...that's my childhood in a nutshell.
Back then the technology wasn't as good or accessible as it is today. Green screens were the way to go if it was a live-action show, and cartoons were...cartoons. A show's humble beginnings were obvious when the show itself looked decent enough, but the intro was still lowwwww budget garbage.
I asked listeners about shows with intros that looked awful by today's standards (which isn't difficult), and had some great answers.
Land of the Lost (1974-1975)
Land of the Lost was a live-action show mixed with stop-motion animation about a family that went hurtling over a giant waterfall and ended up in a bizarre world of prehistoric creatures and basically aliens.
The Banana Splits (1968-1970)
The theme song for The Banana Splits is catchy and there's no clumsy use of green screens, but the costumes were definitely a product of their time/nightmare fuel.
CHiPs (1977-1983)
CHiPs has one of those iconic show theme songs. The TV intros were a little cheesy.
Mark specified the latter show intro that was more disco flavored. Oh, that's some classic 80s cheese!
Leo the Lion (1966-1967)
I didn't realize that Leo the Lion was a Japanese anime show (dubbed into English in 1984) until now. I vaguely remember the show's intro, but not the synopsis. Apparently, it head some pretty heavy stories. The intro below is the 80s English version, which is basically 80s AF.
Another version of the intro was posted by the guy who recorded the English version: Mark Baccaccio.
H.R. Pufnstuf (1969)
It's hard to believe that there was only one season (17 episodes) of this classic TV series, but Jennifer was sure to remind us. The creators - Sid and Marty Krofft - were often accused of being influenced by drugs.
I have no idea what those folks are talking about...
The Dukes of Hazzard (1979-1985)
Rene mentioned the Dukes. Iconic theme song. Iconic imagery. A whole lot of actions that would get a person immediately shot nowadays. What's not to love? The out-of-place YEE HAW at the end, that's what.
Ewoks (1985-1987)
As if the Star Wars Holiday Special wasn't bad enough, they tried to cash-in on the public's love of the Ewoks from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and turn it into a kid-friendly cartoon. Never mind that the Ewoks absolutely unalived many stormtroopers and ate random passersby, but I digress.
Classic 80s cartoon animation...
Mr. T (1983-1985)
Mr. T had a cartoon? I don't remember it, but the internet says he did. The show lasted 3 seasons (technically 2 1/2) and was about a group of crime-solving gymnasts. It was like Scooby Doo...but with gymnasts. It was MadTV alum Phil LaMarr's first role, so at least there's that.
Wonderbug (1976-1978)
Wonderbug wasn't a full show, but a segment that ran on The Krofft Supershow. It was memorable enough for Laura to make me look up the intro reel, and it's...classic Krofft.
What got missed, whether on-purpose or not? Let me know!
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