Let’s Take A Tour Of The St Cloud Prison (VIDEO)
We've all seen this massive structure from the outside and hopefully most of us have not seen it from the inside, as a resident that is. St Cloud Prison aka Minnesota Correctional Facility-St Cloud is quite the spooky looking structure, indeed.
This has to be one of the spookiest looking prisons in the country. My former brother-in- law used to be a deputy sheriff in Becker County, MN and on occasion he would have to transfer prisoners to the St Cloud Prison.

He told me once that the future inmates he would drive to St Cloud were always pretty talkative on the trip. That changed instantly as he would pull into the drive leading up to the gates. He told me as soon as his prisoner got a look at the scary looking prison, they would turn a lighter shade of pale and clam up.
It's is a very intimidating structure to say the least. The first thing you lay eyes on is the 128 foot high granite water tower. Then there's the wall and it's quite a wall. This massive granite wall is one and a half miles long, 22 feet high and four and a half feet wide. When the wall was completed in 1916 it was the second largest wall in the world with The Great Wall of China being the largest.
Building this wall was no easy task. it took prisoners 11 years to build the wall and being it was in the early 1900's, they used mostly hand tools.
You would assume that no one could ever bust out of this fortress but 4 inmates actually made it over the wall in 1957.
Most offenders are only guests of the prison for a few months before being transferred out to another facility. Take the tour below;
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