Fall High School Baseball League Update
Sunday September 19th 12:00/3:00
D1 League
Starz Team Red vs. Alexandria @ Alexandria (Knute Nelson Field)
Hutchinson vs. Big Lake @ Big Lake (High School)
Eden Valley-Watkins vs. Foley (Richmond Royal Field)
Aitkin vs. Starz Team Black (Whitney C2)
Results from Sunday September 12th
GAME No. 1
Starz Red defeated Hutchinson 6-1
(Hutchinson Coaches Stats)
Pitching-MJ Flores 3 1/3 innings, 4hits, 4 runs, 4K, 5BB
No runs the first 3 innings…. Then tired in the 4th.
Hunter Lien 2 2/3 innings, 3hits, 2runs, 2k, 3BB
Dylan Schwartzrock 1-1 single, stolen base, 1 run, HBP
Andy Prieve 2 walks, 2 stolen bases, sac fly, 1 RBI
Alexandria defeated Big Lake 5-1
(Alexandria Coaches Stats)
Pitching: MJ Flores 3 1/3 innings, 4hits, 4 runs, 4K, 5BB
No runs the first 3 innings…. Then tired in the 4th.
Hunter Lien 2 2/3 innings, 3hits, 2runs, 2k, 3BB
Hitting: Dylan Schwartzrock 1-1 single, stolen base, 1 run, HBP
Andy Prieve 2 walks, 2 stolen bases, sac fly, 1 RBI
(Big Lake Coaches Stats)
Pitching-Aidan Johnson 2 in./1 hit,1 walk and 2K’s
Kaden Haselius 4 in./3 hits,3 walks and 4K’s
Jeffrey Wahala 1 in/o hits/1 walk and 1 K
Hitting-Aidan Larson 1-for-2/Tyler Anderson 2 walks, Jeffrey Wahala 1walk/Carson Brown 2 walks.
Foley defeated Starz Black 5-0
(Foley coaches game stats)
(Game 1)
Pitching: Foley threw a one hit shutout, using 3 pitchers
Gavin Owen - 2 innings
Jaden Enerson - 3 innings
Haden Sweeter - 2 innings
(Leading Hitters)
Josiah Petersen - Double
Brett Leabch - Single
Aitkin and Eden Valley-Watkins tied 6-6
Starz Red defeated Hutchinson 10-2
(Hutchinson Coach game stats)
Pitching - no highlights
Hitting - Dylan Schwartzrock 1-1 single, HBP
Foley defeated Starz Black 6-0
Game 2
Foley threw a one hit shutout, using 5 pitchers
Trey Emmerich - 3 innings
Brett Leabch - 2 innings
Alex Jennissen - 1 inning
Derek Dahman - 2/3 inning
Josiah Petersen - 1/3 inning
(Leading Hitters)
Josiah Petersen - Single
Jace Molitor - Single
Haden Sweeter - Single
Trey Emmerich - Double/Single
Alexandria defeated Big Lake 9-2
Game 2
(Alexandria Coaches Stats)
Top pitchers: were Mathew Hornstein who was the dealer of the day. Also Cole Vatnasdal as well as Cody Vatnasdal each pitched well.
(Leading Hitters)
Hitting Cody Vatnasdal lead the way at the plate with 3 hits. Mathew Hornstein, Caleb Gimbel and Cole Vatnasdal all had multiple hits on the day.
(Big Lake Coaches Stats)
Pitching-Aidan Johnson 2/3 in. / 1 hit/3 walks/1 K/5 runs
Collin Skaug 4 In./5 hits, 4 walks/4 K’s/4 runs
Jeffrey Wanhala 1/3 in/1 hit/1 walk
Hitting- Aidan Johnson 1 for 3/1 double/1 run
Collin Skaug 1 walk, Travis Anderson 1 walk/Blake Rondo 1 walk/Aidan Payne 1 walk and Carson Brown 1 walk.
Aitkin defeated Eden Valley-Watkins 6-2