We all know Santa makes his list and checks it twice, but it turns out we can check that list too. The North Pole Government Department of Christmas Affairs has released their official Naughty and Nice List database for 2022 and we can search our names to see where we landed.

The Department of Christmas Affairs uses the Global Behaviour Tracking Network and data mining technology to determine who will be in good favour come Christmas.

Check your name on the official Naughty or Nice List here.

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Luckily my name, Abbey, was on the Nice list. If I would've wound up on the Naughty list I would have been devastated. What can you do if your name has the word "naughty" next to it? The Department of Christmas Affairs actually has a way to do something about that:

If you have found your name on the naughty list and would like to dispute the result, being a really good person between now and Christmas is a fast track alternative to the behavioural review system. Good deeds and genuine niceties will be detected by the Department’s Global Behaviour Tracking Network and good vibes will be sent directly to the North Pole Records Centre.

You can even directly request a review to have your naughty status revoked, but you gotta do it before December 24th. So make sure you check your name to make sure you're good enough for Santa to bring you a present come Christmas.

Other 98.1 DJs and where they landed on the list:

Kelly - Nice

Paul - Nice

Jess - Naughty

Evan - Nice

So looks like Jess from Middays might want to look into applying for that Naughty status rehab program.

Merry Christmas! And don't forget to leave Santa a voicemail with what you are wanting this year. You can call him at (320)- 281-9483.

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